Feeding Centers
In 2012, Renew the Hope opened a Feeding Center, Comedor Infantil Verbo, in Puerto Cabezas. Every weekday, 500 children walk miles to receive what is most likely their only meal of the day.
Ten miles outside Puerto Cabezas is the City Dump, where 100 families scavenge for food, vying with starving animals. In 2014, Julio Rappa began bringing prepared meals to the children who would come to the dump with their parents. For two years, they met and ate beneath the trees, unprotected from wildlife and mosquitos. In 2016 Renew the Hope opened a proper Feeding Center (The Pines) where meals are distributed Monday through Friday.
Recently, Renew the Hope opened three more Feeding Centers near the Coco River.

Coco River
Verbo Christian Church has planted 16 additional open-air churches in northeast Nicaragua, most dotting the banks of the Coco River, which forms the boundary between Nicaragua and Honduras. The river is home to dozens of Miskito Indian villages. Many of the children of Casa Bernabé originate from this region, one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere and an area heavily influenced by witchcraft.
Here Pastor Earl goes with a volunteer corps to minister medically and spiritually, mentoring local pastors and offering villagers the love of Christ. Annually as many as 50 pastors along the River attend conferences hosted by Earl, traveling days by canoe to Puerto Cabezas that they may grow in their understanding and application of the Gospel.

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