Renew the Hope would not have made the impact it has without individuals, churches and organizations who have steadfastly given their time, talent and treasure to advancing our vision.
Throughout the year, teams of 10–25 people (men’s groups, family groups, company teams, church youth groups) embark on short-term mission trips to Puerto Cabezas by way of Managua. These “Adventures in God” are life-changing experiences for volunteers who have an opportunity to serve and befriend the Nicaraguan people.
The accommodations at the orphanage are safe and sanitary (with drinkable water and indoor plumbing). The meals are as fine as any quality restaurant. A typical week’s stay focuses on a construction project, interspersed with excursions to ministries in and around Puerto Cabezas. Each is a rare and rewarding opportunity to play with the beautiful children, and show them they are loved and valued.

The Faithful

Instrumental to the success of Renew the Hope has been the commitment of a special group of individuals, organizations and congregations, whose personal, professional and financial support has been extraordinary and exemplary:
And still there remains much to be done. Throughout the year, teams of 10–25 people (men’s groups, family groups, company teams, church youth groups) embark on short-term mission trips (typically one week) to Puerto Cabezas by way of Managua.
These “Adventures in God” are life-changing experiences for volunteers who have an opportunity to serve and befriend the Nicaraguan people.
The accommodations at the orphanage are safe and sanitary (with drinkable water and indoor plumbing). The meals are as fine as any quality restaurant. A typical week’s stay focuses on a construction project, interspersed with excursions to ministries in and around Puerto Cabezas. Each is a rare and rewarding opportunity to play with the beautiful children, and show them they are loved and valued.

Global Passion Ministries
20 Years of service to the RACCN (IN 2018)
In 1998 a group from Valley Christian Fellowship in Redding, California, traveled to Puerto Cabezas to lay the foundation for the original orphanage building. Three of the team members were nurses. In the midst of construction, and not surprisingly, they discovered an tremendous need for medical care, especially among the children. For the last 20 years, they have faithfully returned with medical teams, pioneering the first medical relief to reach into the River Coco communities. The group now partners with the local hospital, expanding its ministries to include surgical procedures such as cleft lip and palate repair, tonsillectomy, burn scar revision and grafting as well as pediatric hernia repair.

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